Rose Croix Cyprus

The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Cyprus


The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Cyprus

The “Rose Croix” Degree is the 18th degree of an originally Christian Order of Masonry, originating in France, and known as the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry. Established in 1801, the Order comprises thirty three degrees which amplify the teachings of Craft Masonry.

Candidates must profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith or the belief in a Supreme being and are required, prior to any formal consideration of their candidature, to sign a declaration to this effect.
Candidates for the Rose Croix must:
have been initiated in a Lodge or Lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England unless otherwise authorised in the Rules of the Supreme Council
have been a Master Mason for at least one full year, be in good standing with the Craft and profess the Trinitarian Christian faith or belief in a Supreme Being.
Membership of the order is usually by invitation only.

The ceremony of the 18th degree, the only ceremony worked in full by the Chapter, seeks the Perfection of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity. It is an immensely thought provoking, impressive and beautiful ceremony which instils a warmth of Brotherly love on which the whole Masonic movement is founded.

Regalia for the 18th degree is both simple and spectacular and comprises a rose pink edged collar with gold braid embroidered with various symbols in gold braid. A jewel is appended to the collar. The Supreme Council Rose Croix for Cyprus comprises of 9 Chapters including 2 Higher Degrees Chapters and Chapters using ‘Universal Workings’.

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